Saturday, October 9, 2010

love story - part 3

date: a rainy day - delhi - 2007

i love you sidharth. i will never leave your side come what may. i love you , love you. sidharth felt a pang of pain as he kept mulling over her. diya - the love of his love, the one girl who completed him. he would have taken on the entire world to be with her. his diya - now a distant memory. just A memory.

sidharth - will you marry me diya?
diya: course stupid.
and she had kissed him on the phone. how time flew?

sid do you realise its been an hour since you went inside the bathroom. get out now - rang sidharth's mother's voice

hurriedly coming out, wiping his eyes, sid planted a kiss on her cheek and waved a bye as he left for college, not noticing his mothers empathetic look.

date : happy days before diya came into his life
,sidharth krishnan - sid as he was known was a wonderful singer,
proud member of 'no girls - no pain' club, a computer whiz, aspiring doctor, but an average student and a pampered boy. coming from a progressive thinking but deeply rooted south indian brahmin family, music ran in his veins. inspite of his delhi environment, his very modern friends, he was a tambrahm in his heart . a contrast to his very modern appearance.

dadddd! have you gone nuts! am preparing for my PMPD exams. no way on earth am i going to chennai for the next 2 years and be with relatives. whats wrong with my friends and delhi?
all arguments ending in vain, it was a disgruntled sid who got down from the train as it crawled into central station. he made a mental note to himself that this is one place he was going to be miserable in. poor sid, he didnt know then his life was about to turn topsy turvy.

date: first day - DAV gopalpuram

sidharth felt like a total alien amongst his classmates. delhi and chennai's attitudes don't go together pappa. i told you wailed sid over the phone. but no luck. he knew he was stuck.he waded through and quickly made friends. his cousin also from the same school and good at singing was his closest company and they soon made ripples for their singing.

date : fateful day

student1: let me sign in for JAM but that diya would still win.
student2: well we can come second in oratorical competitions you know?
student3: why dont you go for the singing competition?
sid: am not sure. but alright. write down my name.

date : hero meets heroine

vikram was diya's school senior and now in sidharth's school. sidharth sees diya talking to vikram and thats when he notices her for the first time. earth didnt shake, butterflies didnt fly, bells didnt ring and lights didnt light up. but he knew he was done! completely bowled over.

sid: hey vicks - who's that? (appearing to be non-chalant). your girl? you were grinning too much?
praying he says no.
vicks - well yeah
sid - (shocked) what?
vicks - i wish. (mournful smile)
sid - explain please.
vicks - i tried dude! lady doesnt budge. tough to get her fall for a guy.
sid - happens man! lets drink it over.(appearing sympathetic)
(mind voice - woot woot! tough lady - you are certainly gonna fall for me. i can sense it)

date - april 2010

you are such a loser! you can never decide. all that you can do is whine about things. #%$@^%$#%$#^$ ...

sid couldnt take back his words at diya though he would give anything in this world to take it back. HIS diya. what happened to the same heart that loved diya to insult her this much? sid couldnt forgive himself. but the damage was done.

diya had gone from his life - for the second time!!!

p.s - second time? when was the first then? when did they fall in love? why did they break up in the first placE? how did they get together later? to breka up now? keep guessing. cya in the 4th part.


Shrihari said...

Excellent narrative.. Its reminding me of 500 days of Summer.. And the story, its giving me butterflies in the stomach.. Eagerly waiting for part 4.

Srivathsan said...

i got to tell u this ... That 'ps' part was brilliant :D :) seriously if someone didnt have those questions in their mind after reading u inject them wid that post script :) lol love ur strategy ka ;) ... And btw had excellent time reading the 3 parts ..shall move on 4th now :)

Frozen Thoughts said...

very good naration... few descriptive portions reminds me of Chetan Bagats writtings... :)

crazy virgo said...

this reminds me of chetan bhagat's novels.. mostly abt two states and one night @call centre... cery good ... and yess i loved the P.S part .. keeps u goinnnn .. way to go sowmie ..