Thursday, October 14, 2010

love story part 10

Madhu shook diya out of her reverie and asked her what was wrong.
diya : i,err. i was just dumped!
madhu: what? F**** that Ba***** A******. why?
diya: i guess we know why. but break up for that? i dont believe it.
madhu: well what did he say?
diya: (still shocked.) that he has another girl waiting for him
madhu: oh babe. come lets go for a walk on the beach.

date: may 2008
place : bessie beach.

madhu looks on as diya stands motionless and void of emotions as the waves happily dance around her leg. diya keeps staring into the distant vast ocean as the sky and the sea merged into one horizon engulfing the orange sun amidst the beautiful range of a spectrum of colors. diya's hair beautifully framed her face as it leapt to the tune of the wind. with a blank look, diya inched forward. she kept walking into the water her eyes only on the long distant line where the ocean and the sky met. madhu cried out to her to stop, but diya kept walking inside, the water level steadily rising upwards.

date: september 2008
place : microsoft

diya was a bundle of emotions as she left home to one of the worlds leading software companies joining its wagon of talents. she soon fit in and kept herself very busy. she started meeting new people,befriended people easily and was having a good time in terms of her personal and professional life. diya missed everyone back home and longed to go back to chennai for the weekend. diya was the centre of energy in her team and she was also a high acheiver. her team leads were very happy with her performance as they knew she had it in her to go to great heights.
diya was homesick and took the train to chennai and thats when she got the call. the one call she hoped would never come - but the one call that refused to fade from her life.

date: may 2008
place : bessie beach.

the water swarmed upto diya's hips. diya stood still. madhu's heart was in her mouth. once she saw that diya had stopped walking any further, she heaved a sigh of relief. she came upto diya and yelled
madhu: moron! what on earth were you thinking?
diya: (looking blank) - thought i was gonna drown?
madhu: well n---yeah. you gave me the fright of my life.
diya: (wry smile.) for arvind? (sighs) give me sometime alone. ill be right back.
madhu : are you sure you are not going any further?
diya: (just stares at the sky)
madhu: okay, one step further and ill kill you myself. (walks away)

diya looked at the fading sun, silently allowing itself to be enveloped by the clouds. the bright array of colors slowing turning gray. the waves forcing themselves on her with revenge. diya swayed with the waves. like the sun, her life had lost it's shine too. her heart sunk and was enveloped by grief. life turned from technicolor to monochrome. diya looked up the sky to see nothing but black and she felt her life had now become a black hole. a vaccum. she lay contemplating about so many things in life. she looked up again as the breeze tenderly stroked her face and the moon lit up her eyes. her lips trembled and she closed her eyes, pushing out the tears that were filling her eyes out. diya cried. cried for what seemed to be an eternity.

for seemed like an lifetime diya cried her heart out. she didnt have any more tears. any more grief. any more worries. she felt numb. plain numb. she didnt know what she was even feeling. everything seemed blank and she could not comprehend anything. madhu had walked up behind her and stood quietly letting her cry. she quietly placed an arm on diya's shoulder. diya bawled as she turned around and hugged madhu. the two friends stood there,silence talking perfectly between each other strong as a pillar for the both of them. the sun went down and diya looked up the sky to see the stars sparking like diamonds. she knew what she had to do.

place : cafe coffee day

diya was putting on a bold face and tried to appear normal and happy. but madhu easily looked behind all of that.she knew diya was still holding on to a few things arvind had presented her with. madhu wanted a change of atmosphere for diya and took her out to coffee day for some girl bonding time. inspite of whatever diya went through, she always felt better when she spoke to madhu and family members. diya was laughing for something madhu said when madhu gagged on her espresso. diya turned out to see what she was staring at.

it was arvind with his new arm candy - a hot, scantily clad high maintenance chick.

date : december 2008
diya was in the train, happy that she was meeting everybody after months, on her way to chennai. her phone rang disturbing her happy thoughts. it was an unfamiliar number but a very familiar voice. the voice that always melted her, that always gave her goosebumps, that had crooned it's love a lot of times. it was SIDHARTH.
sid: diya?
diya: yes sid. what do you want?
sid: some time to boast
diya: huh?
sid: you broke up with arvind right?
diya: bye (cuts the call)

diya was disturbed.

place : cafe coffee day

diya turned herface back to her sizzling brownie with ice cream. madhu looked on worried.
babe do you want to leave? are you okay?
diya smiled softly. i have not done anything wrong to run away. only people who make mistakes walk around as if they own the place and pathetic souls that have not done anything hide usually. no madhu! am not going anywhere . am fine

arvind notices diya and madhu. a sly smile crosses his face. he chooses the seat next to them and makes his girl sit next to diya just to try to bug her. he crassly starts talking about how beautiful she is in comparison with 'others' and how 'open' she was. the poor soul blushed and diya couldnt help laughing at that hot nitwit. arvind feigned a surprise as he noticed madhu wnatedly later and started talking. he turned to look at diya.
arvind: hey! what a surprise. how are you? hows your guy?my oh my! you look decent now compared to earlier.
diya: am good! (refusing to lower her eyes stared right back at him till he lowers his eyes)
arvind: you know what diya? i suddenly remembered something
diya: oh yeah
arvind: (trying to provocate her) the reason i dumped you.
diya: eyes him without hesitation. whats that arvind?
arvind: i never loved you. i was just acting babe. (starts laughing as if someone had uttered a big joke) i was trying to get lucky but you were so closed.
diya: smiles sweetly and arvind. you know what arvind. i suddenly remembered something.
arvind: (with a lot of curiosity) whats that?
diya: gets up and goes near arvind. stands close to him that arvind smells her perfume. smiles sweetly at his eye-candy and bends down closer to his ears.
there's something i need to tell you
arvind: (all eager) yeah?
diya slaps him hard right in the middle of the coffee shop. everybody turns around to look while arvind sits there dumb stuck. diya takes out every single gift that arvind gave her and throws them all on his face.
the one thing i remembered to tell you baby is just this - you are an Ass****. showing him the finger diya walks out smiling with madhu, with a wild glint in her eyes.


Shrihari said...

Wow ! The story got very interesting.. The first half of it made me feel pity for Diya :( but the latter half of it was awesome.. Determined diya, way to go ! Cafe coffee day - i've seen scenes like tat only in films.. did it happen in reality ?

Srivathsan said...

lol love the way the post ended ;) and happy that 10th is not the last as u told b4 :) ...keep goin ..and btw try reading once .. Typo error for diya in the start n at one place u failed to mention the date left it halfway...edit if possible ..else chuck its understandable anyway :)

crazy virgo said...

this is great ! :D :P i loved the first half. second half was even better :D :)

sowmya said...

@srihari - thanks. you'd be amazed at the incidents that happen in reality. more cinematic than the cinematic of cinemas

sowmya said...

@sri - thanks. corrections made :)

sowmya said...

@miths - <3

sashi said...

well well well.. tats one hellafa story.. sounds too big to be true though! but yeah, i believe u..