Monday, February 14, 2011

valentine's day

i've never really been a big fan of valentine's day. but there has always been a feel good factor about it. right from the dress codes you have about what and what not to wear, the flowers, and what not. it's the day of road side romeos and juliets to have a blast. at 23, and a few good and bad memories later, today i sit and wonder what love actually is. is it the selfless ones from your parents, the bonding with siblings, the sisterhood with bffs, hobbies that you 'love', or the one person who makes your heart flutter..what? my definition of love has changed for as long as i can remember. when i opened my eyes for the first time it was my parents, then my folks, then my sibling, to the best friend at school who shared chocolates, to my teacher who taught me rhymes, to the first cute guy with a cute smile, to someone who was intensely passionate, to someone who had a stable head on his shoulders to my career now. how exactly do you define love? is it what you give others or what someone makes you you feel or what you want out of life? is it always bubbly and fuzzy like its made out to be or does all practicality of every day mundane things put in? i have had quite a number of invitations for one-night stands, to no strings attached relationships, to someone telling me i love you and the next minute tell me i am not sure, and what not? and all this under the title of love. and then there is my dog that loves me for just what i am even at my worst. and then there are guys who want me to wear contacts, slim down and wear trendy dresses so that they can feel proud to show me off. the clear line between love and whats not love gets lost somewhere down the drain. do we blame globalisation for it or our increasingly decreasing morals (pun intended) for it? i dont know. but all i know is today is saint valentines birthday and for all those who are going out with someone - have fun guys!!!


Matangi Mawley said...

heavy que. 'what is love'? there are just so many things into it...

i feel confused about the whole concept! so i leave it to people such as yourself- who can put the entire nebulous wreck of a concept into beautiful words, and just sit back and enjoy the essence of it...

very well written!

arvind said...

The concept of a soulmate can be very illusive. As long as you can find someone you can wake up to every morning without throwing up or feeling like your life was no better than that of a toad in a mega city's sewer system, that should make the cut.

sowmya said...

@ maths - thanks :)
@ arvind - yeah true. but should it be just that. i dont know :)