Thursday, September 3, 2009

it takes just a moment

after 24 hours of fast paced high pressure drama India woke up to a little hope and then sorrow at the death of Andra pradesh chief minister YSR reddy. though my blog is not about him, at this juncture, lets offer our condolences for his soul to RIP.
the moment i heard about his death, there was just one thought that was filling up my mind. how life changes in not even a second, but a moment.
we have the tendency to keep thinking about the past or contemplating the future that many of us or rather all of us at some point or the other tend to forget to live the present.
this only results in a feeling of desires being unfulfilled, of low morale, of a feeling of disappointment and what not. we are adding more stress to the already stressful life of ours.
i get reminded of a saying
yesterday is history
tomorrow is mystery
today is reality
that's why its called the "present"
life doesn't give us second chances at anything and we should make sure we never have any worries about unfulfilled desires in life. who knows we may not even get time to reflect on how our lives have been at our death beds like YSR.
well, winding up, let us make each moment count in our lives without any hassles in doing what we want and love.
as some one rightly says, don't add years to your life , add life to those years.
what more could be so aptly said!!!

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